Adobe Illustrator 6 week Evening Class
6 Week evening course - One night a week for 6 weeks.
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful drawing programme, where you can create custom graphics and illustrations. This two day introductory course covers all the essential key tools to really get you started. Lessons are based on interesting tasks to help you embed what you have learnt.
Contact us: 07305 923293
Tools Overview
Vector and bitmap images
Using panels and customising your workspace
The Illustrator toolbox: paths and points selection; drawing simple shapes and selecting objects
Using multiple artboards
Transformation tools and the Free Transform tool; Using online help
The pen tool; controlling curves, creating and amending paths; splitting paths, manipulating anchor points
Using templates, pencil, erase, smooth and brush
Using Image trace to convert bitmaps to vectors
Adding and deleting anchor points
Splitting cutting and erasing paths
Drawing with the blob brush tool
Colours and fills
Fills and strokes on objects and paths
Process, Pantone and Registration colour
Gradients, patterns
Applying gradient transparency
Editing gradients directly on an object
Applying a gradient to a stroke
Live Paint and Live Colour
Brush effects
Calligraphic, art, scatter & pattern brushes
Editing existing and creating new brushes
Scribble effect; using the brush libraries
Basic typography; the type tool; type on and in a path; type as outlines
Character and paragraph styles
Arranging your work
Send to back/bring to front
Group/Ungroup and group selections
Working in group Isolation mode
Cut/copy/paste & paste in front/ behind
Working with rulers, guides and smart guides
Using multiple artboards
Editing the artboard size
Positioning objects
Aligning and distributing elements
Working with layers
Creating layers
Using layers effectively
Modifying and special effects
The flare and distort tools, including the warp and liquify tools, envelope distort and envelope mesh
Using live paint to modify images
The flare and distort tools, including the warp and liquify tools, envelope distort and envelope mesh
Using live paint to modify images
Transformations including blending shapes and the Gradient mesh tool
Pathfinder panel and compound paths
Using the shape builder tool
Effects, graphic styles and masks
3D Tool
Working with patterns
Simple patterns and artwork patterns
Converting logos to symbols for reuse
Using the symbol spray to instance symbols around page
Update symbols, manipulate symbols
Using Illustrator to present information
Graphs and graph types
Graph styles such as pies and bars
Representing qualities graphically
Web formatted files
Optimising your files for web
View course dates here
Contact us: 07305 923293
6 Week evening course - One night a week for 6 weeks.
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful drawing programme, where you can create custom graphics and illustrations. This two day introductory course covers all the essential key tools to really get you started. Lessons are based on interesting tasks to help you embed what you have learnt.
Contact us: 07305 923293
Tools Overview
Vector and bitmap images
Using panels and customising your workspace
The Illustrator toolbox: paths and points selection; drawing simple shapes and selecting objects
Using multiple artboards
Transformation tools and the Free Transform tool; Using online help
The pen tool; controlling curves, creating and amending paths; splitting paths, manipulating anchor points
Using templates, pencil, erase, smooth and brush
Using Image trace to convert bitmaps to vectors
Adding and deleting anchor points
Splitting cutting and erasing paths
Drawing with the blob brush tool
Colours and fills
Fills and strokes on objects and paths
Process, Pantone and Registration colour
Gradients, patterns
Applying gradient transparency
Editing gradients directly on an object
Applying a gradient to a stroke
Live Paint and Live Colour
Brush effects
Calligraphic, art, scatter & pattern brushes
Editing existing and creating new brushes
Scribble effect; using the brush libraries
Basic typography; the type tool; type on and in a path; type as outlines
Character and paragraph styles
Arranging your work
Send to back/bring to front
Group/Ungroup and group selections
Working in group Isolation mode
Cut/copy/paste & paste in front/ behind
Working with rulers, guides and smart guides
Using multiple artboards
Editing the artboard size
Positioning objects
Aligning and distributing elements
Working with layers
Creating layers
Using layers effectively
Modifying and special effects
The flare and distort tools, including the warp and liquify tools, envelope distort and envelope mesh
Using live paint to modify images
The flare and distort tools, including the warp and liquify tools, envelope distort and envelope mesh
Using live paint to modify images
Transformations including blending shapes and the Gradient mesh tool
Pathfinder panel and compound paths
Using the shape builder tool
Effects, graphic styles and masks
3D Tool
Working with patterns
Simple patterns and artwork patterns
Converting logos to symbols for reuse
Using the symbol spray to instance symbols around page
Update symbols, manipulate symbols
Using Illustrator to present information
Graphs and graph types
Graph styles such as pies and bars
Representing qualities graphically
Web formatted files
Optimising your files for web
View course dates here
Contact us: 07305 923293