Adobe Photoshop 2 Day
2 Day Course
Adobe Photoshop is the world’s most advanced digital imaging software, used by photographers, artists, designers and illustrators. This is a powerful program that allows you to bring your creative ideas to life. This course gives you an excellent introduction to the program, covering editing photographs, creating, marketing materials for web and print. This is a well attended course taught by an experienced graphic design lecturer.
Contact us: 07305 923293
Introducing Photoshop
How Photoshop works with other Adobe applications
File format types
Additive and subtractive
Understanding colour
Perceptual colour
CMYK preview mode
Application Basics
The toolbox and panels
The colour picker
View modes
Keyboard shortcuts
Navigation panels
Using Adobe Bridge to find, sort and open images
Viewing tabs
Working with Layers
Defining and using adjustment layers
Placing guides and using grids
Layer styles and layer management
Defining and using adjustment layers
Placing guides and using grids
Layer styles and layer management
Converting a selection path to a layer
Controlling layer transparency
Montages and different mode options
Selection Techniques
Creating selection areas
Adding to and subtracting from
Using quick selection and refinement tool
Feathering and anti-aliasing
Quick mask
Using the magnetic tools
The magic eraser tools to make cut outs
Cloning images
Content-aware fill
Repairing scratches
Blurring, sharpening and smudging
Negative to positive, healing tool, shadow and highlight tool, match colour tool, red eye tool and vanishing point filter
Painting tools
The standard brushes
Custom brushes
Gradient fills, linear and radial
Mixer Brush
History panel
Undo actions
For effects
Using the history brush and the art brushes to create natural media effects
RAM and hard disk (scratch disk) issues
Content-Aware Scaling
Resizing images while retaining the correct proportions for your subjects
Image adjustment
Using the Adjustments panel for live, non-destructive image adjustment
Brightness, contrast, gamma, hue/saturation
Colour balance for shadows, highlights and mid-tones
Levels and curves
The black and white conversion tool
Colour correction
Output generally
Re-sampling and printing
Resizing and adjusting resolution to the most appropriate values for printing
File formats for export
Type and image
Using text effects commands
Rendering text
Text distortion and warping, text on a path
Adjusting text
Adjusting text appearance
Creating special effects with filters
Including soften, sharpen and numerous forms of distortion
Transforming areas of an image, including rotate, stretch, skew, flip and alter perspective
Using the Free Transform function
Gradients Warping
Using the interactive image warping window
Using Puppet Warp to reposition an image element
Website Assets
Optimising for the web using the comparison area to check quality of image output
Image Slicing, web panels and choosing the most appropriate file format (GIF, PNG and JPEG), Flash export
View course dates here
Contact us: 07305 923293
2 Day Course
Adobe Photoshop is the world’s most advanced digital imaging software, used by photographers, artists, designers and illustrators. This is a powerful program that allows you to bring your creative ideas to life. This course gives you an excellent introduction to the program, covering editing photographs, creating, marketing materials for web and print. This is a well attended course taught by an experienced graphic design lecturer.
Contact us: 07305 923293
Introducing Photoshop
How Photoshop works with other Adobe applications
File format types
Additive and subtractive
Understanding colour
Perceptual colour
CMYK preview mode
Application Basics
The toolbox and panels
The colour picker
View modes
Keyboard shortcuts
Navigation panels
Using Adobe Bridge to find, sort and open images
Viewing tabs
Working with Layers
Defining and using adjustment layers
Placing guides and using grids
Layer styles and layer management
Defining and using adjustment layers
Placing guides and using grids
Layer styles and layer management
Converting a selection path to a layer
Controlling layer transparency
Montages and different mode options
Selection Techniques
Creating selection areas
Adding to and subtracting from
Using quick selection and refinement tool
Feathering and anti-aliasing
Quick mask
Using the magnetic tools
The magic eraser tools to make cut outs
Cloning images
Content-aware fill
Repairing scratches
Blurring, sharpening and smudging
Negative to positive, healing tool, shadow and highlight tool, match colour tool, red eye tool and vanishing point filter
Painting tools
The standard brushes
Custom brushes
Gradient fills, linear and radial
Mixer Brush
History panel
Undo actions
For effects
Using the history brush and the art brushes to create natural media effects
RAM and hard disk (scratch disk) issues
Content-Aware Scaling
Resizing images while retaining the correct proportions for your subjects
Image adjustment
Using the Adjustments panel for live, non-destructive image adjustment
Brightness, contrast, gamma, hue/saturation
Colour balance for shadows, highlights and mid-tones
Levels and curves
The black and white conversion tool
Colour correction
Output generally
Re-sampling and printing
Resizing and adjusting resolution to the most appropriate values for printing
File formats for export
Type and image
Using text effects commands
Rendering text
Text distortion and warping, text on a path
Adjusting text
Adjusting text appearance
Creating special effects with filters
Including soften, sharpen and numerous forms of distortion
Transforming areas of an image, including rotate, stretch, skew, flip and alter perspective
Using the Free Transform function
Gradients Warping
Using the interactive image warping window
Using Puppet Warp to reposition an image element
Website Assets
Optimising for the web using the comparison area to check quality of image output
Image Slicing, web panels and choosing the most appropriate file format (GIF, PNG and JPEG), Flash export
View course dates here
Contact us: 07305 923293